Frequently Asked Questions
When and where are Unity Youth & Family Ministry classes?
Unity Youth class is held on Sundays from 10 a.m. until the end of service, which is usually around 11:10 a.m. Unity of Madison is located at 601 Tompkins Drive, Madison, WI 53716.
Is it every Sunday?
Yes unless there is a special event in the sanctuary that kids are encouraged to attend (there is usually only one in December). Sign up for our e-newsletter that includes the YFM topic and activity for that week here, or check our latest posts on our Facebook, Unity of Madison.
Do I have to be a member of the church to bring my child to Unity Youth & Family Ministry?
No and you don’t even have to attend the service. You must, however, be in the building in case we need you to help with your child if something comes up that needs a parent’s attention.
What if my child doesn’t like class or needs me?
We will come get you right away.
What if we aren’t very religious and my child doesn’t understand what God is?
Then Unity is perfect for you and your child! Unity believes that God is everywhere and is love, so when we talk about God, we’re talking about strength, power, love, gratitude, etc., and often use these terms synonymously. We also welcome questions so encourage your child to ask away during class if they’re hearing new terms.
What ages can attend Unity Youth & Family Ministry?
We currently have a small group of children, ages ranging from 4 to 12, that are taught together, and we have a baby/toddler room for kids 0-3 or kids that would benefit from that space. If you have questions about your child, email Kate, the Youth & Family Coordinator, at
What security do you have at the church?
The Youth Area is locked during session (kids can get out but people must be let in to enter).
How do I know what the lesson will be that week?
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Bluesky, or sign-up for our e-newsletter that comes every Friday and includes the general topic and activity we'll be doing in YFM.
What if my child has special needs?
We welcome them and will meet them where they are. You can tell the teacher any specifics you like or how we can help make your child’s time at Unity comfortable. We also have a Calming Corner with a weighted blanket, fidget toys, and noise cancelling earmuffs, and a baby/toddler room.
Does my child have to be potty trained?
No. If your child has a diaper that needs changing, fill out a form to approve the teacher or volunteer to change it and we can change it. However, in most cases if there’s a diaper that needs changing, we’ll just come get you and you can change them.
Is there a changing table?
Yes, in the baby/toddler room and the bathrooms in the basement.
Can I rent the Youth space at Unity of Madison for a kid’s event?
Yes! Email to share your plans and for more information.
Are there internships available at Madison Unity Youth & Family Ministry?
Yes! Send an email to for more information and to find out if they are currently available.
Can I sit in and watch the class?
Absolutely! And if you'd like to volunteer, please email the Unity Youth & Family Ministry Coordinator at