Minister & Staff

Rev. DebraReverend Debra Carter Williams, Minister
As an ordained Unity Minister, Rev. Williams has served some of Unity’s larger churches including Atlanta Unity Church [Associate Minister], Unity Church of Christianity in Columbus, Ohio [Senior Minister], and Unity of Naples Church in Naples, Florida [Senior Minister]. Before Unity of Madison, she served Unity of Cedar Rapids, IA.  She was the Director of Campus Ministry and Acting Chaplain at Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia, and served as adjunct faculty in the Religious Studies Department. Rev. Williams holds a B.A. in Religious Studies and Philosophy from Wesleyan College [summa cum laude], a Master of Arts in Religion from Yale Divinity School at Yale University and completed course work for the Doctor of Ministry degree from Duke Divinity School at Duke University. Rev. Williams has served on several nonprofit boards and community organizations and served Unity Worldwide Ministries (Association of Unity Churches) as a member of several task teams, including as Chair of the Licensing and Ordination Committee.  Currently, she is a board member  of the Great Lakes Unity Region.


Pete Calgaro


Pete Calgaro, Music and Choir Director
Pete Calgaro has been a church musician since he was 10 years old, playing a massive pipe organ in his hometown Catholic Church. Over the years, he has been a Music Director for several Catholic Churches in Illinois and the Madison area.  After a spiritual awakening, he discovered the Unity movement.  He has been the Music Director at Unity of Madison since the summer of 2006.  He directs the Unity of Madison Vocal and Chime Choirs, plays drums in the Unity Jazz Band, and also leads the Kirtan group Indra Adhira. 




Kate Pforr


Kate Pforr, Director Youth and Family Ministry
Kate began her position at Unity of Madison in 2024 but has been studying Unity since she was a teenager. As a mother of two littles that attend Unity Youth & Family Ministry, she cherishes the freedom of the classroom, the continual love she provides for all children in attendance, and empowering children to know their own peace and strength.  She is studying to become a Certified Spiritual Educator through Unity Worldwide Ministries.