Proposed Bylaws Change for 2025 Annual Membership Meeting

The proposed amended version of Article VI, Section 5 reads as follows:
5. Special Board Meetings.
Special meetings of the board will be called by the President of the Board if requested by the senior minister or co-ministers; if requested by two or more trustees; or if the Presiden tof the Board deems it necessary. Any request for a special board meeting shall be made in writing (or by e-mail with confirmation) to the Board Secretary.  All current board members, including the senior minister or co-ministers, shall be given notice of any special board meeting at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the meeting.  
And in case you need an explanation, here is more information for you. 
The difference is that the last sentence in the current version has been removed.  The reason is because that sentence garnered the most feedback/confusion from our voting members at the bylaws meeting in November.  The bylaws team agreed that since any special meeting that is called is typically communicated via email and as long as we are meeting the requirement of notifying the board at least 48 hours in advance, we could just remove that last sentence as it is not necessary.  Furthermore, it was felt that it should be the responsibility of the board member to keep the board informed of any changes to their contact info (in the event they should ever claim they weren't notified) and as long as we have a quorum present at the special meeting we are meeting the requirements for voting.